Wednesday, July 24, 2013

آهات مغترب

الأولة آه
والتانية آه
والتالتة آه
والرابعة آه

الأولة كان واكل طاطورة ونايم على ضهره
والتانية كان فرحان بالفن والمسرح وغير كدة مش همه
والتالتة كان ساكت عشان حلم بعيد همه
والرابعة كان شغال حلل ومكرونة وغير كدة ما يهمه
الأولة الجوع صحاه
والتانية جوع الفقير بكاه
والتالتة سقوط الظلم قربه خطوة من حلمه
والرابعة فرح بزوال جمال عشان يفضل يبيع حلله
الأولة كل هوا ورجع نام على بطنه
والتانية بعد عاش ويسقط مشي في سكة التوهان
والتالتة إيده في إيد رابعة عشان يقرب خطوة كمان من حلمه
والرابعة عايز يرجع زي زمان ولكن الكل كان فاهمه
الأولة قال تالتة هو الحل
والتانية قال معندهاش غير تالتة حل
والتالتة قال أنا اللي عندي الحل
والرابعة طنشهم لأن سكته هي "الحل"
الأولة لا عارف ينام ولا يأكل ولا يحلم
والتانية رجع تاني لسكة التوهان
والتالتة طلع معندوش غير حلمه
والرابعة فضل يبيع حلل ويحل
الأولة قال رابعة هو الحل
والتانية قال معندناش غير رابعة حل
والتالتة قال الحلم بتاعي هو الحل
والرابعة حجري مفتوح لكل من عايز حل
الأولة قاعد على الحل مستنيه يملا بؤه
والتانية قاعد على الحل مستني الانتعاش
والتالتة لابس في الحيط واخد الحل من ضهره
والرابعة وزع الحل على الكل وما حرمش حد من حله ولا حلله
الأولة آه
والتانية آه
والتالتة آه
والرابعة آه

Monday, May 21, 2012

لماذا أعطيت صوتي لأبي الفتوح!!

كان القرار غاية في الصعوبة ولكنني حسمت أمري بعد انتخابات مجلس الشعب. كنت أنتظر اكتمال خريطة المرشحين وقد اكتملت في تقديري بعد شهرين من تحديد موعد تسليم السلطة (ان جاز هذا التعبير). لقد فرغ منصب رئيس الجمهورية منذ أكثر من عام والقاصي والداني يعلم أن منصب الرئيس محوري في مصر لأسباب تاريخية وثقافية، وحيث أن مبارك لم يسمح للرموز الوطنية بالظهور حتى يتعرف عليهم الشعب ومن ظهر منهم مثل البرادعي تم حرقه بشكل ممنهج. هذا فضلاً عن أن الفراغ السياسي يعطي الفرصة للنظام القديم في عرض نفسه كبديل وحيد للسلطة، كان لزاما على كل من يرى في نفسه الصلاحية أن يقدم نفسه للشعب بسرعة حتى يمتلئ الفراغ وكان زيادة عدد المرشحين مهماً حتى يستقر في عقول الناس أن هناك بدائل عدة. فمن غابت عنه هذه الحقائق فلا استبعدته، ولكنني استثنيت مرشحو الأحزاب الفاعلة (مرشحون من الأحزاب وليس مستقلون تؤيدهم أحزاب) وذلك أنها على الساحة بالفعل وعلى اتصال بالناس. عند اتخاذي للقرار وضعت في اعتباري أن الإخوان سيرشحون أحدهم. واستقر قراري على أبي الفتوح للأسباب الآتية.

١- الرؤية السياسية الثاقبة:

تظهر هذه الموهبة في قراراته منذ أن كان طالباً. فقراره بالانضمام للإخوان وحشد الجماعة الإسلامية التي ساهم في تأسيسها للإنضمام جماعياً وليس فرادى عصم الكثير من الشباب من الوقوع في التطرف والعنف كما أن الانضمام الجماعي أعطى هؤلاء الشباب زخما داخل الإخوان.
ثم تبنى فكرة دخول الإخوان في تحالفات حزبية ثم في العمل النقابي لإثبات أن الجماعة تتبنى التغيير السلمي ولاكتساب شرعية شعبية بعد أن حرمهم النظام الشرعية القانونية.
رفض اتخاذ موقف من حزب الوسط الذي تشكل أثناء سجنه على الرغم من اقتناعه بفكرتهم إلا أنه علم أن الواقع السياسي لن يسمح بتشكيل حزب الوسط وأن الخروج من الجماعة لن يؤدي إلا إلى الوقوع تحت حصار النظام في وقت كانت جماعة الإخوان الوسيلة الأكثر فاعلية لخدمة الوطن. ونتج عن ذلك أنه في خلال السنوات الماضية كان يعمل في العمل العام ويؤثر في الكثير من شباب الإخوان ويتحاور مع التيارات الفكرية المختلفة في حين كان نشاط حزب الوسط قاصرا على التحاور مع عناصر الجماعة الوطنية المختلفة والانضمام لحركة كفاية.
في ٢٠٠٥ اقترح على الإخوان دخول انتخابات مجلس الشعب في تحالف مع بقية المعارضة على جميع مقاعد مجلس الشعب وتحدي كل رموز النظام وعندها يضطر النظام للتزوير المباشر رغم أنف القضاة والاعتداء على كل الجماعة الوطنية فيقود التحالف مظاهرات في كل أنحاء مصر تؤدي للاعتصام مدني. اعتبر الإخوان هذا الرأي تعريضا للجماعة لمخاطرة كبيرة وبدلا من ذلك تفاوض الشاطر ومرسي مع النظام على ترشيح ١٥٠ فقط وعدم تحدي رموز النظام في مقابل نزاهة الانتخابات، التي لم يلتزم بها النظام في المرحلة الثالثة من الانتخابات. كانت الظروف مهيئة لقيام ثورة واستطاع أن يقرأ المشهد بوضوح ولكن لم يجد التأييد المطلوب.
تبين أن الإخوان بدخولهم الانتخابات أثبتوا سلمية منهجهم وحققوا الشرعية الشعبية ولكنهم تخطوا ذلك إلى المناورة الحزبية التي حذر منها البنا عندما عارض تشكيل ودخول الأحزاب. عندها اتخذ موقف وجوب الفصل بين الحزبي والدعوي وبما أن الانتخابات والبرلمان أضحوكة فطالب بمقاطعتهما على أن تظل الجماعة تعمل في السياسة مطالبة بالحريات والحقوق المدنية ورفع الظلم عن الناس وأعلن هذا الموقف في عام ٢٠٠٧.
بعد الثورة قدم اقتراحا للإخوان بفصل العمل الدعوي عن الحزبي لأنه قال أن التنافس الحزبي له حسابات قد تدعو للموائمة وأن الجماعة يجب عليها أن تتخذ مواقفها من منطلق أخلاقي لا حزبي. ومن هذا المنطلق وافق على عدم ترشيح الجماعة لأحد أعضائها للرئاسة تطبيقا للفصل بين الوظيفة الدعوية والعمل السياسي التنافسي.
تنبأ عندما رشح نفسه للرئاسة بعدم وجود مرشح يقبله المصريون ويستطيع التوافق مع التيارات المختلفة ويستطيع التواصل مع الناس، وقد كان، فلم يظهر على الساحة إلا من ظهر في الشهور الأولى.
رفض مبدأ الاستفتاء لعدم ملاءمته للظروف ولكنه صوت بنعم لأنه تبين أن الجماعة الوطنية غير متماسكة وأنه يجب وضع خارطة طريق في ظل عدم وجود إرادة سياسية للمضي قدما وقد أصبحت خارطة الطريق هي سلاح الجماعة الوطنية للضغط على العسكر كلما ماطل في عقد الانتخابات.

٢- إيمان راسخ بالمواطنة ودولة القانون:

كان أبو الفتوح أول من رد على مصطفى مشهور عندما قال أن على الأقباط دفع الجزية وكان ذلك في التسعينات ورفض ذلك رفضا تاما وقرر قبل الثورة حق المرأة والقبطي في تولي رئاسة الجمهورية وهو لا يتعثر أو يتردد عندما يتحدث في الموضوع. كما أنه انتقد علنا مشروع الإخوان الذي انتقص من هذه الحقوق.
هو يرفض أي شرعية إلا الشرعية الدستورية ومؤسساتها ويحث جماعة الإخوان وغيرها قبل وبعد الثورة على اكتساب الشرعية القانونية ورغم أنه كان يتفهم الظروف قبل الثورة إلا أنه كان يريد للجماعة إعادة تنظيم نفسها بحيث تستطيع العمل كجمعية دينية وحزب سياسي كل منهما مستقل عن الآخر.
يعتبر مواطنته هي انتماءه الأول ويعتبر الإسلام مصدر لمبادئه الشخصية ولا يعتبر أيهما سابق على الآخر ولا يعتبر أن أي كيان لا ترتبط معه مصر بشكل قانوني يجب أن يكون له أي تأثير على سياسة الدولة. فعلاقة مصر مع محيطها العربي والإفريقي والإسلامي يحكمها الاتفاقات الدولية وأي تعاون مشترك أو مشروع وحدة يجب أن يحقق مصلحة استراتيچية لمصر وإلا فإن الوقت غير مناسب لمثل هذا التعاون.

٣- الخبرة بالسياسية الخارجية:

عمله في مجال الإغاثة وفر له خبرة سياسية خارجية واسعة. لقد اقتحم مناطق الصراع في غزة والبوسنة وجنوب السودان والعراق وظلت لجنة الإغاثة بعيدة عن تهمة الإرهاب في الشرق والغرب. إن تواصله مع المنظمات الأهلية في الدول الأخرى والحكومات وفر للجنة الإغاثة ثقة عالمية استطاعت بها خدمة المتضررين إلى يومنا هذا. هذا فضلا عن تكوينه علاقات دولية عديدة أبرزها الأمير تشارلز ولي عهد بريطانيا. إن أبو الفتوح معروف عربياً و عالميا في دوائر صنع القرار هذا فضلاً عن أن الربيع العربي أتى بقيادات تربطه بها علاقات صداقة مثل رئيس جمهورية تونس الحالي.

٤- المواقف الوسطية الثابتة:

ولا أعني بالثبات الجمود فالحمار وحده هو من لا يتغير بتغير الزمان والظروف. ولكن السؤال هو ما اتجاه التغيير؟ هل هو تراجع عن مبادئه؟ هل هي الموائمة لتحقيق مكاسب سياسية؟ أم أنه تطور فكري في اتجاه واحد وبشكل ثابت؟ هذا هو الثبات الحقيقي. ان حياة أبو الفتوح من شبابه حتى الآن قصة تطور فكري في اتجاه الاعتدال والوسطية وقبول الآخر. وهذا التطور ثابت ولا يتزحزح إلى الخلف أبدا. وأتحدى أن تجد لأبو الفتوح تصريحا أو موقفا أكثر تشددا بعد موقف معتدل. فكيف نطالب مجتمعنا بالحوار الهادئ مع المخالفين حتى نفهم بعضنا البعض ونطور فكرنا ونتقبل غيرنا ثم نعيب على من يتطور في اتجاه الانفتاح والاعتدال والوسطية بل و يجذب معه المئات والآلاف ولا يرتد أبداً.

٥- الشفافية:

كما يقولون "وشه زي قفاه". فما يشعر به ويؤمن به يقوله بدون مواربة ولكن الرجل مهذب فيكون وقع كلامه أرفق من محتواه. فلم يجرب على أبو الفتوح إخفاء أفكاره لأي سبب فقد كان دائم التصريح بما يعتقده وإن جر عليه المتاعب. أبو الفتوح هو المرشح الوحيد الذي نشر سيرته الفكرية والتي تكشف بصراحة شديدة للجميع طريقة تفكيره وتطوره الفكري دون مواربة.

٦- الإخلاص للفكرة:

واجه أبو الفتوح عدة أسئلة عن أمور تثير اللغط أشهرها مسألة البيعة وكان الأوفق أن يجيب موضحا موقفه الشخصي وهو ما كان ينتظره المشاهد ولكنه بدلا من ذلك ظل يدافع عن فكرته التي دافع عنها لسنوات طويلة مواجهاً تأثير فكر الجهاز الخاص على جماعة الإخوان. إن مثل هذا الموقف وغيره يوضح لي أن عين الرجل ليست على الكرسي بقدر ما هي على تحقيق أفكار ومشاريع.

٧- التصالح:

تصالح بين التدين والليبرالية فعلى الرغم من أنه ليس ليبرالياً بالمعنى الدقيق للكلمة إلا أنه متصالح معها وبتدينه يستطيع أن يعمم روح المصالحة بين المتدينين والليبراليين.
وتصالح بين الإسلاميين وسائر المجتمع، فعلى الرغم من أن المجتمع يميل انتخابيا للتيار الإسلامي إلا أن الإسلاميين منعزلون عن التيار الرئيسي المصري. أبو الفتوح يفتح المجال لمن يريد الانفتاح على المجتمع وقبول شروط هذا الانفتاح من احترام الآخر من تحقيق ذلك.
وتصالح بين الشريعة والمواطنة فمشروعه هو أول تطبيق عملي يعتبر أن الشريعة مطبقة بالفعل وأن الأزهر هو مرجعية الفهم والبرلمان هو مرجعية التشريع دون وصاية من أحد وأن جميع المواطنين سواسية سواء آمنوا أن الشريعة سماوية أو أرضية.
وتصالح بين الناصرية والتيار الإسلامي فهو يقر بمنجزات عبد الناصر وينتقد أخطاؤه دون مرارة موروثة من آثار اضطهاد الإسلاميين. ولهذا التصالح أهمية لأن الحقبة الناصرية جزء لا يتجزأ من تاريخنا ولأن الكثير من المواطنين يدينون لإصلاحات عبد الناصر بالفضل في التعليم وتملك الأرض واستقرار السكن.
وهو أيضاً تصالح بين الفن والتدين كما سأبين لاحقاً

٨- القدرة على إيجاد القاسم المشترك:

يجد القواسم المشتركة بين الجميع بشكل طبيعي وتلقائي دون تقديم أي تنازلات فكرية. ويتضح ذلك في طاقم عمله وواضعي برنامجه ومؤيديه. كما أن عمله في اتحاد الأطباء العرب شاهد على ذلك.

٩- برنامجه:

أكثر ما أعجبني في برنامجه هو مبدأ الديمقراطية التشاركية وهذا يدل على وعي بمشاكل الديمقراطية الحديثة التي تجعل الحكم حكرا على الصفوة وأصحاب رأس المال. كما أعجبني التركيز على العدالة الاجتماعية والحريات بشكل مميز.

١٠- إيمانه بحرية الفكر والإبداع:

إن زيارته لنجيب محفوظ وتشجيعه على نشر رواية أولاد حارتنا له دلالات تميزه عن سائر المرشحين. فهو يفهم معنى الإبداع والحرية اللازمة للتعبير كما أنه يفهم أهمية الفن في بناء الحضارة والرقي. وهو أيضاً محافظ متدين لا يرضى أن يستخدم الفن والإبداع كوسيلة لتحدي قيم المجتمع. ولذلك طرح أن يضع الفنانون أنفسهم ضوابط عملهم. وعلى الرغم من أن هذا الموقف غير ليبرالي إلا أنه الموقف الأكثر ليبرالية الذي يمكن للمصريين قبوله. أما غيره من المرشحين اكتفوا بالكلام الفضفاض دون مواقف تثبت كلامهم وأظنهم إما أن يفسروا كلامهم بشكل يخرجه من مضمونه أو أنهم سيستخدمون الملف للتفاوض مع التيارات المحافظة. وأنا متأكد أن أبو الفتوح لن يفعل أيهما لما له من مواقف سابقة.

١١- قدرته على القيادة:

أن يبدأ بعدد قليل من الأفراد وموارد قليلة جداً ثم تتسع حملته لتشمل جميع محافظات مصر بشكل منظم ودقيق وأن يشرح فكرته لهذا الشباب فيصبحون قادرين على توصيلها للآلاف، إنها لقيادة قوية. فالقيادة هي اختيار الفريق بدقة وشرح الرؤية بوضوح واتخاذ القرار بشجاعة. حملته ليست الشاهد الوحيد على قدرته على القيادة والتنظيم فقد شارك في تأسيس الجماعة الإسلامية وجماعة الإخوان والجمعية الطبية الإسلامية فضلا عن لجنة الإغاثة الإنسانية والمشاركة في المبادرات الوطنية والقومية.

١٢- ثباته الانفعالي:

إن موقفه مع السادات دليل شجاعة ولكن ليس هذا ما يعجبني بالدرجة الأولى ولكنه ثباته رغم صعوبة الموقف ثم تكرر ذلك في مواقف عدة ومن المعروف أن الثبات الإنفعالي يتطور مع الزمن وليس العكس. وهذه صفة لازمة لرئيس الجمهورية.

١٣- تاريخه النضالي الوطني:

ولا أحتاج أن أفصل في هذه النقطة فتاريخه معروف.

رد الشبهات:

١- في شبابه كان يقبل بالعنف وسيلة للتغيير السياسي:

لا يمكن أن نتحدث في هذه النقطة إلا في سياق التاريخ المصري ففي تاريخها الحديث نماذج لوطنيين ليس فقط آمنوا بالعنف وسيلة للتغيير بل مارسوه. أنور السادات قتل أحد الوزراء لأنه كان خائنا وسجن بسبب ذلك وعبد الناصر قام بانقلاب عسكري كان يعلم أنه قد يدفعه لاستخدام السلاح والفضل في حقن الدماء يعود للملك فاروق الذي تنازل عن العرش دون مقاومة. فاستخدام العنف في التغيير كان مقبولا في الساحة الوطنية المصرية. أبو الفتوح على العكس لم يستخدم العنف يوما ورفض تماماً أن تتورط الحركة الطلابية في أي عنف وتخلى تماماً عن فكرة أن عنف له مكان في العمل الوطني بل وقاوم هذه الفكرة بعد ذلك ولأعوام طويلة. إن رجلاً يتطور فكره في اتجاه واحد دون تراجع على مدار عدة عقود لا يمكن أن يتراجع الآن.

٢- الإخواني يظل إخواني طول عمره:

هذه الفكرة نشأت بسبب تحجيم نظام مبارك للعمل العام ولذلك فكل من خرج من الإخوان ظل قريبا منهم ولم يستطع الخروج عن دائرتهم. ولكن هذا غير صحيح بعد الثورة وقد أثبت أبو الفتوح أنه قادر على العمل بدون الإخوان. هو لم يتنكر لأفكاره ولكنه كان دائماً يغرد خارج السرب. وسيطرة مجموعة تهتم بالتنظيم أكثر من الفكرة على قيادة الإخوان ستجعل الفجوة بين التنظيم و فكر أبو الفتوح كبيرة جداً. إن فكرة أن الإخواني يظل إخواني انهارت وذهبت بلا رجعة.

٣- يعترف بإسرائيل:

هذه نكتة بايخة. لقد قدم فريق أبو الفتوح الدليل على فبركة الڤيديو بنشر الڤيديو الأصلي وشرح كيف تم تركيب الكلام. ان كلامه الأصلي إما عن مصر وليس فلسطين وإما رفضا لفكرة الاعتراف ولكن يقتطع الكلام فيظهر أنه رأيه وليس رأياً يرفضه. ويصدق كلامي مجمل أعماله على مدار عقود.

لكل هذه الأسباب أعطيت صوتي لأبو الفتوح. اللهم هيئ لمصر أمر رشد يعز فيه أهل العدل ويذل فيه أهل الظلم.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

الموت في سبيل التخلص من العبط والاستعباط

عندك واحد قتال قتلة أهل الحتة قتلوه وجه واحد تاني عمل فتوة وقال أنا مش قتال قتلة. قالوا له طيب الطبنجة اللي في جنبك بتعمل إيه؟ قال دي فاضية وشرف الغالية. في ناس صدقوه وناس استعبطوا. لحد كدة عادي. الجديد ان طلع شوية عيال من الحتة دماغهم مركب شمال قرروا يغيروا مسار التاريخ. واحد منهم قال للفتوة لو فعلا طبنجتك فشنك اضربني. الناس اللي بتستعبط قالوا بلاش نستفز الفتوة. الله أما انتم مصدقين ان الطبنجة فشنك خايفين ليه. الواد ما سكتش قال للفتوة يابن كيت وكات وسين وصاد وعين اضربني لو راجل. فقد الفتوة أعصابه وضرب وقتل الواد. أهل الحتة اتلخبطوا، لا عارفين يستعبطوا ولا قادرين يصدقوا الفتوة ولا قادرين يواجهوه. عايزين يحاولوا يحايلوا الفتوة ويخادوا منه السلاح بالراحة. الفتوة حلف يمين طلاق ان الرصاصة دي كانت محشورة ومفيش رصاص تاني. الناس فرحت واللي صدق واللي استعبط. قام عيل من اللي دماغهم لاسعة راح للفتوة وقال له يا كداب يا بن الكدابة. الفتوة مسك نفسه، راح الواد لاسع الفتوة قلم، راح الفتوة مطلع الطبنجة وقتله. الناس اتلخبطت والفتوة حلف ان في واد ابن حرام باع له الرصاص الحي على انه صوت والواد فص ملح وداب. وطبعا الناس صدقت واستعبطت. والعيال اللاسعة مش بيهمدوا وبيموتوا عشان يثبتوا ان الفتوة كداب برغم ان الكل عارف. هم في الحقيقة بيموتوا عشان الناس تبطل استعباط وعبط. ولا فارق معاهم إيه اللي هيحصل بعد ما يموتوا. هم عايزين ثقافة العبط والاستعباط تنتهي من الحتة. كبار الحتة عملوا مجلس والفتوة بقى منظره زبالة ومالوش لازمة. بس العيال مش بيهمدوا لأن لو ثقافة العبط والاستعباط استمرت مجلس أو فتوة هيركب ويدلدل.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The real issue, not ideology. ندخل في الموضوع؟ لكن ما هو الموضوع؟

The English version follows.

تفرق الناس على مسمى الدولة المصرية الجديدة وأغلب ظني أن كلهم أرادوا نفس الشئ ولكنهم غالوا في الخصومة حتى نسوا الهدف وأساؤوا الظن في بعضهم البعض وتملكت العصبية من الجميع وصار لدينا عدة فرق ومعسكرين العلماني والإسلامي. ثم اخترع أحدهم مصطلحاً ما أنزل الله به من سلطان وهو الدولة المدنية فما كان من العصبية المتمكنة من الجميع إلا أن أوحت للإسلامي أن المدنية هي غطاء العلمانية وأوحت للعلماني أنها غطاء للإسلامي فظللوا متفرقين. وأحسب أن الجميع يريد دولة لا يظلم فيها أحد يظلها السلام الاجتماعي ويتعبد كل واحد فيها على مذهبه ويتنافسون على نشر أفكارهم وتطبيقها عن طريق صناديق الاقتراع. ولكن أحداً لا يثق أن هذا هو ما يريده الآخر.  وأرى يا سادة أن نبدأ بتفكيك المعسكرين والدخول في الموضوع مباشرة. ولكن المصيبة أن أحداً لا يدري ما هو الموضوع حتى ندخل فيه ولذلك قررت أن أكتب محاولاً تحديد الموضوع الذي يجب علينا مناقشته.
بسم الله، إن كل نظام حكم شمولياً كان أو ديمقراطياً يستند في شرعيته إلى عقد اجتماعي بين فئات الشعب ونظام الحكم ويسقط أي نظام حكم بعدم التزامه بجانبه من العقد. وفي معظم الأحيان لا يكون هذا العقد مكتوباً ولكن يعلمه الجميع ويتعاملون على أساسه. فالنظام السعودي قائم على تحالف الوهابية مع آل سعود وبعض القبائل الأخرى ولا يستطيع أي طرف الإخلال بالتزامه وإلا سقط النظام. والنظام الهاشمي بالأردن قائم على تحالف الهاشميين مع بعض القبائل لتوفير الغذاء لهم في دولة فقيرة المصادر وتحالف الملك مع الأردنيين من أصل فلسطيني لتوفير الأمن لهم. وفي الحالتين ما وصفت تبسيط مخل الهدف منه التوضيح فقط. وهكذا عبر التاريخ كل نظام حكم يستمد شرعيته من عقد اجتماعي مكتوب أو غير مكتوب فإذا أخل نظام الحكم بجانبه بدأ انهياره وإذا أخلت الأطراف الأخرى بجانبها انهار السلام الاجتماعي. في بعض الأحيان يظهر لاعبون جدد على الساحة لم يشملهم العقد عند الاتفاق فإن لم يتم احتواؤهم اختل السلام الاجتماعي وانهار نظام الحكم ان لم يسانده شركاؤه في العقد أو اختل ميزان القوى لصالح القوى الجديدة. وفي الحالة المصرية كان العقد الاجتماعي امتداد لعقد جمال عبد الناصر في توفير العدالة الاجتماعية والاستناد إلى العسكر في الحكم وتوفير السلام الاجتماعي. فلما اختفت كل من العدالة الاجتماعية والسلام الاجتماعي واستبدل ابنه حاشيته بالعسكر بدأ انهيار النظام. وأثق بفضل الله أن كل محاولات إحياء النظام ستفشل لأن بنود العقد غير متحققة. إذاً لن يستقر حكم في مصر بدون عقد اجتماعي جديد. والمتعاقدون ليسوا العلمانيين والإسلاميين بل أهل المدن والريف قبلي وبحري والنوبة وبدو سيناء والواحات والفلاحون والعمال والمهنيون والفقراء والأغنياء وسكان العشوائيات وسكان القصور والسنة والشيعة والمسيحيون الأرثوذكس والكاثوليك والبروتستانت والبهائيون واللا دينيون والأصحاء والمرضى والمعوقين، كل هؤلاء هم من يجب أن يتوافقوا على نظام الحكم الجديد. لن يرضى أحد بدون عقد يضمن العدالة الاجتماعية والسلام الاجتماعي القائم على العدل والمساواة المطلقة بين الجميع أمام القانون.  إنني أثق أنه بصرف النظر عن هوية الفائز في الانتخابات فإن الاعتصامات والمظاهرات الفئوية لن تتوقف ما لم نصل إلى عقد اجتماعي يحقق الأهداف التي ذكرتها من قبل وإن أي فائز يتباطأ في الوصول لمثل هذا التوافق سيلحق بمبارك لا محالة لأنه لا شرعية بدون عقد اجتماعي. فليأتي العلماني إلى الطاولة بمبادئه وليأتي الإسلامي بتعاليمه ولكن لندخل في الموضوع وليس للتناظر ومناقشة المرجعيات والهوية. وأنا على يقين أنه لو حدث التوافق وتحققت دولة القانون فإن أبناء المعسكرين سيجدون في هذه الدولة ما كانوا ينادون به و ستنفض المظاهرات ويتحقق الاستقرار وسيخضع العسكر لنظام الحكم الجديد. 

الحمد لله فأنا شديد التفاؤل لأن الأغبياء لا يفهمون ما كتبت وسيدمرون أنفسهم وستلفظهم الحياة السياسية وسيبقى فقط كل من يسعى للتوصل لعقد اجتماعي جديد وبناء دولة القانون فللتاريخ سنن وللحكم أصول وقواعد والتطهير له ثمن يجب أن تدفعه الشعوب.

أيمن خفاجي
ميتشجان في ١٤ نوفمبر ٢٠١١

It has been a tough few months in Egypt. Right after the protesters cleaned Tahrir square on February 12th, they split into two camps, the secularists and the Islamists. Although, I believe both wanted the same thing, they kept busy bickering over terminology and entrapped in mistrust.  They all want a system within which no one would face injustice and a state of peace would replace the unrest. Therefore, instead of wasting our time debating lets discuss the real issue. Unfortunately, after all these bitter debates, it seems that the real issue was lost and I'll try to recover it.

Any government, democratic or not, obtains its legitimacy from a social contract between the different players in the society. Once a government fails to fulfill its end of the contract, it loses its legitimacy and starts to collapse. If one of the groups in the society breeches the contract, that leads to social unrest. Sometimes new players are introduced into the equation. If they are not contained in the contract, social unrest may occur and may cause the government to collapse. It all depends on the power balance and the support it continues to have from its traditional partners. 

In Egypt's case, Mubarak inherited Nasser's social contract which was based on social justice, stability and military power. When the first two failed and his son replaced the military with his own corrupt entourage, the regime began its downward spiral. No one can revive the old regime because the elements that formed the basis of its legitimacy no longer exist. Therefore, we need a new social contract that ensures social justice, internal peace and stability based on absolute equality under the law. The partners in this new contract are not secularists and islamists but the urban, suburban and rural; those who live in upper Egypt, lower Egypt; the Nubians, the Bedouins; the peasants, the blue collars, the white collars; the poor, the rich; the healthy, the sick, the handicapped; the Sunnis, the Shi'ites, the orthodox Christians, the Catholics, the Protestants, the Baha'is and the atheists.  No one will be satisfied without a contract that fulfills the above mentioned objectives. 

Regardless of the identity of the winner in the upcoming elections, the sit-ins, protests and civil disobedience will continue until a satisfactory contract is reached. Should they delay reaching such agreement, they will face Mubarak's destiny. So let the secularists and the Islamists come to the table with their values to discuss the real issue not ideology. I'm confident that if they create a social contract based on social justice and the rule of law that peace will be restored, the protesters will go home and the military leadership will bow to the will of the people.

The fact that the stupid lead themselves to political suicide and won't understand a word I wrote, makes me optimistic that the only ones left will be those who want to reach a just social contract.

Ayman Khafagi
Southfield ,MI

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My letter to Congressman Levin

Dear Congressman Levin,

I'm sure that you are following the events unfold in Egypt with
concern for the future freedom of Egyptians as well as the strategic interests of the US in the entire region. As an Egyptian American, I'm also following the events unfold and am concerned about the short term safety of my family overseas, the long term effects of the events on the future of Egypt and the future of the US-Egyptian relations. Which
side of history is the US going to be on? That's a major concern.

I have family members on the streets willing to die for freedom while our government is cutting deals with the current dictatorial regime to circumvent the revolution. Not only do I think that it's immoral but also political suicide for the US. The people of Egypt have spoken: the young, diverse youth, both Muslim and Christian, have taken a path of no return. They know that if the regime survives for one day after they disperse, they will all be picked up and placed in jail indefinitely. The US administration is obviously encouraging a scenario of handing control to the new VP Omar Sulieman. This has been rejected unequivocally by the people. Sulieman's only path to consolidate power has to be through crushing the protesters. Should the US withdraw its support for him, he would be prevented from taking an extreme violent actions against the people. The US has, unintentionally and indirectly, given him the green light to commit mass murder.

Regardless of the outcome, Egyptians will never forget that the US backed candidate killed their people. The Egyptian revolution has values and aspirations that are the same as the ones this nation was founded on. There's no logical reason why we should go down in history as adversaries instead of partners. Not only are we missing an opportunity but we are not being faithful to our core values.

Please request the president to withdraw all support from Omar
Sulieman and to support all the demands of the Egyptian people. Take away Sulieman's aspirations for presidency at the expense of the Egyptians.

تنحّى الرئيس، ثم ماذا؟

أيها الشباب كم كنت أتمنى أن أكون معكم الآن. هذه مشاركتي البسيطة. حتى لا نفقد الرؤية في خضم الأحداث وحتى نظل أوفياء لمطالب الثورة ودماء الشهداء علينا أن نتوخى الحذر في المرحلة القادمة وأن نتّبع خطوات مدروسة.
١- يجب الاستمرار في التواجد بالشارع حتى تنفيذ كل المطالب.
٢- يجب استمرار الزحف نحو ميادين أخرى والاعتصام السلمي بها.
٣- علينا أن نشكّل مجلس رئاسي انتقالي لمدة عام وإصدار بيان نقرر فيه سلطة الشرعية الثورية على الشرعية الدستورية.
٤- التفاوض مع الجيش على هذه الطلبات والحصول على تعهدات مكتوبة بالولاء للدولة المدنية.

بيان ثورة ٢٥ يناير رقم واحد (مسودة أولى)

نعلن نحن المواطنون المصريون مسيحيون ومسلمون من كل عرق ولون ومن كل أنحاء مصر أننا مرابطون من أجل مصر هدفنا إقامة دولة مدنية لا دينية ولا عسكرية للحفاظ على الحريات وإقامة السلام والعدل الاجتماعي ونشر السلام العالمي وإقامة حضارة تستمد أصولها من المكونات التاريخية للشعب المصري بكل عقائده وامتداده الجغرافي. ثورتنا سلمية ولن تحيد عن السلم تحت أي ظرف من الظروف ورباطنا مستمر حتى تتحقق أهدافنا. الجيش المصري هو جزء من الشعب وهو مصدر فخر كل مصري يحمي الشعب ولا يحكمه. تحية من ثورتنا للقوات المسلحة المصرية.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

فلندافع عن حقنا في الاختلاف مع بعضنا البعض

علي مدار الايام القليلة الماضية تظاهر بعض الشباب المصري وانضم اليهم الملايين من الشعب بجميع فئاته متحدين خلف عدة مطالب اساسية. لقد استطاع هؤلاء تحقيق ما لم تحققه مصر علي مدار القرن الماضي. واعادو لمصر كرامتها بين بلاد العالم وقد اعلن الرئيس عن نيته بعدم الترشح للرئاسة لمرة اخرى وتم الاعلان عن بعض التغييرات السياسية الاخري. و انقسم الشعب المصري الي من هومصدق لوعود الحكومة ومن هو مكذب لوعود الحكومة. ثم فؤجنا يوم الآربعاء بتحول المظاهرات السلمية الي حرب فوضاء، و بغض النظر عن التكهنات بان الحكومة تعمدت تحويل المظاهرات المتحضرة والسلمية الي فوضي لكي تعيد سيطرتها علي البلاد او ان هؤلاء فعلا من مؤيدي حسني مبارك، الحقيقة ان التسيب و الفوضي لم تبدأ الا بعد تدخل مؤيدي الحكومة سواء كانو مأجورين او مؤيديين حقيقيين. و الواقع ايضا ان الفوضي ليست من مصلحة البلد او الشعب. والواقع ايضا ان النظام يضغط علي الشعب بتضييق تواجد البنزين و الاكل و الادوية لكي يرضي الجميع بما وعدته الحكومة واتخذته من قرارت حتي الان بغض النظر عن فعالية تنفيز هذه القرارات او لا.

مع اختلافنا في الاراء علي من يريد اعطاء الحكومة فرصة لتنفيذ وعودها او الطلب برحيل الحكومة الان او الخوف علي مستقبل البلد او سلامة المواطنين، دعونا نتفق علي الاتي

١. نطالب الحكومة و الجميع بانهاء جميع اشكال العنف ضد المتظاهرين و اعطائهم حقهم الشرعي في التظاهر السلمي حتي و لو لم نتفق معهم في ارائهم. من حق هؤلاء الوقوف في ميدان التحرير بطريقة سلمية و علي الجيش والمواطنين ان يحموهم. وعلي من له اراء اخري تختلف مع هؤلاء فمن حقه ايضا ان يتظاهربطريقة سلمية و علي الجيش و الجميع ايضا حمايتهم. اذا كنا حقا نرغب في الديموقراطية فهذه هي اول خطوات الديموقراطية وان كانت الحكومة ترغب في اثبات حسن نواياها فهذه اول الخطوات التي يجب اتخاذها.

٢. المواطنين لهم حق ان يمارسوا حياتهم و يجب فتح المحلات و محطات البنزين وتوفير الامن. نناشد الحكومة بان توفر او تترك الشعب يتعاون علي توفير الاكل والبنزين والمستلزمات الطبية لكي تعود الحياة الي نوعا من الاستقرار.

٣. نطالب بتوفير ضمانات للمتظاهرين سلميا من جميع الفئات بانهم لن يتم القبض عليهم من قبل امن الدولة او الاجهزة الحكومية وان لاهلم حق في الخطاب معهم او توفير الاكل و المستلزمات الطبية لهم بدون اي تحرشات من الحكومة او غيرها من الاشخاص.

لقد بدأت المظاهرات سلمية و بدآت حلقة من التغييرات المرغوبة في البلد وا عتطنا مكانة حرة و شريفة بين شعوب العالم. يجب ان نحافظ علي هذه الانجازات و نري العالم انه حتي وان ادت الاحداث الاخيرة الي الاضطرابات فللشعب المصري المقدرة علي اعادة المسار الي رسالة الاصلاح بدون اي تدخل خارجي.

حرية التعبير عن الرآي بطريقة سلمية هي اساس الديموقراطية وهي المكسب الحقيقي في الايام الاخيرة. بغض النظر عن اي فكر تؤيد دعنا لا نخسر هذا الاساس. مع الالتزام ايضا بحرية التعبير عن الراي سلميا نتجنب الوقوع في الفتن. فليست الفتنة هي اختلاف الاراء ولكنها قتال بعضنا البعض بسبب اختلاف هذه الاراء. فان كنت تريد درء الفتنة فعبر عن رأيك بطريقة سلمية.

نرجو ان تقرأ هذه الرساة بدون تحيز و بعقلانية و تؤيد نشرها و تحقيق اهدافها

التوقيع: شباب يحب الحرية والاستقرار لمصر

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Until Egypt is Free: Talking points

When speaking with the media, it may be wise to also add some of the “requests to Congress and the White House” listed in the next list
1- The same motives that led to our founding fathers’ declaration of independence – the British Kings’ abusing the rights of the colonists for his own gain – are the same motives that led the Egyptian people to the peaceful protest of Mubarak’s regime. And just like our American nation came out a model of democracy and pluralism for the west upon independence, the civilized and intelligent Egyptians at the heart of this uprising will come out with an Egypt that will be a desperately needed model of democracy and pluralism for the Arab world. Now is the time when we can support a nation’s birth like those who supported our nation’s birth two hundred and thirty four years ago
2- Nothing could be more secure for us as Americans in the Middle East than people that are happy with their governments. Once the governments are legitimately the choice of the people, radicalization will become irrelevant
3- The activists who initiated the uprising and are still leading the protests represent a well educated, diverse, non-ideological and pragmatic diversity of young Egyptians. Their success will never lead to a theocratic system as they would never allow it. Their ultimate aim is a pluralistic, democratic Egypt.
4- The Egyptian people's will is to have genuine freedom and true social justice. The Egyptian people are confident in their ability to self-govern, to have a government of the people, by the people, for the people
5- We ask our American peers to join us in demanding of the White House, the Secretary of State and Congress to respect the will of the Egyptian people and stop supporting Mubarak and his regime.
6- We ask our American peers to be confident this process will yield an administration that will undoubtedly agree with our American values of life, liberty and justice – even if it may not agree with all US foreign policy decisions.
7- The current violence is resulting from police infractions by those who are acting as the apparatus of the Mubarak regime aiming to shift the discussion from the issue of freedom to the issue of safety

The following key requests may be shared with congress and the White House after leading with some of the above educational points
1- We ask the White House, the Secretary of State and Congress to respect the will of the Egyptian people and stop supporting Mubarak and his regime.
2- We ask President Obama to join the British, French and German leadership in demanding that Egypt carry out free and fair elections.
3- We ask our American government to reiterate the importance of a fully democratic Egypt and to be confident this process will yield an administration that will undoubtedly agree with our American values of life, liberty and justice – even if it may not agree with all US foreign policy decisions.
4- The current violence is resulting from police infractions who are acting as the apparatus of the Mubarak regime aiming to shift the discussion from the issue of freedom to the issue of safety. We ask our officials to demand the Mubarak regime to cease all violence immediately.
5- We want our officials to know nothing could be more secure for us as Americans in the Middle East than people that are happy with their governments. Once the governments are legitimately the choice of the people, radicalization will become marginalized

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egyptian Americans in action

The Egyptian people have chosen life, liberty and justice, destiny must obey, the night will retreat and the chain will break.

As Egyptian Americans our objective is to gain support for the revolution from our peers in the American public.

1- We will create a document with talking points that represent our consensus.
2- We will contact media outlets local and national. A database of contact information will be made available.
3- We will contact policy makers at all levels.
4- We will inform local media of our protests ahead of time and we will organize as many of them. We will be prepared with our talking points to address the media. When organizing protests we will coordinate with other local organizations.
5- We will use this facebook page to communicate and discuss our actions and events. This page doesn't represent an organization, it is the compilation of our local efforts.
6- We will meet periodically to discuss and network. Our next meeting is going to be on Friday February 6th at 10 pm EST. Information about the call will be shared soon.

Egyptian Americans in motion, meeting minutes

Rallies may be very effective IF LOCAL MEDIA IS NOTIFIED
We need a concise and consistent message that we can all converge on to be giving out to our peers as well as be able to rearticulate in an interview or in social networking conversations
We need to have a solid presence with media outlets
We need to reach out to government officials
Demonstrations in the next couple of days will be very important
If we can focus on the media outlets over the next couple of days will be key
From Hossam via chat “Omar, can you please prepare the list of talking points in "sound-byte" format, and please post it to the facebook groups so we can speak with a unified message” (Omar Atia & Ayman)
Transition “Egyptian diaspora supporting the January 25 2011” to start new facebook page actions to be taken by this group (Ayman Khafagi)
American-Egyptian Alliance sent a letter to Mrs. Clinton – perhaps we can work along with them since they are already organized (Sameh)
Each person will reach out to local congress people with the only request to stop supporting Mubarak – all we want is that they stop supporting Mubarak – as soon as possible (note on facebook page with links for local congress people – call not email)
On the facebook page exists a list of contacts for many media outlets around the country – reach out to local media suggest they interview you (All)
Any additional media contacts add to the facebook page media list
Rally in front of Egyptian consulate for midwesterners on Saturday January 29
Next meeting will be Friday 2/4 10pm EST for this group and we will provide information
via facebook page that will be formed new – if new meeting time is needed, we will call for it sooner

Friday, January 28, 2011

A suggested Egyptian American support strategy for the revolution

The Egyptian people's will is to have absolute freedom and absolute social justice. The Egyptian people are confident in their ability to self-govern, to have a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
On the other hand, the US wants freedom and social justice for Egypt as well but without taking any risks on it's own interests.

We, Egyptian Americans, should do our best to realize our brethren's will. We should convey to the US, government and people, our will and our confidence that we can establish the first true democracy in the middle east.

Succeeding in isolating the current regime, Mubarak, from his strongest allies, the US, will get us one step closer to our goal. This is a major task but I'm sure we can do it.

If you want to work with us please join us tonight in our conference call at 10 pm EST, check the link below.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Contact information for news outlets to contact about the imminent massacre in Egypt

جريدة لوسن انجلوس

جريدة U S Today

لندن اكسترا

ذا ويك

جريدة ميرور

جريدة ذا هيرالد

ذا اندبيندانت

صحف المانية

Die Zeit


دي تاستونج




الصحف الفرنسية


فرانش ماجازين

لا اكسبرس


اية بي سي

إل بايس

صحف روسيا

القنوات التلفزيونية


الجزيرة الانجليزية

الحرة الامريكية

قناة الفرنسية

Human Rights Watch
Washington, DC :
New York :
Berlin :
Brussels :
Chicago :
London :
Paris :
San Francisco :
Toronto :

Human Rights First
New York Headquarters :

هيومان رايتس واتش

شبكة الناجين من الألغام

المركز الدولي للعدالة الانتقالية

مراسلون بلا حدود

الخط الأمامي، المؤسسة العالمية للدفاع عن مدافعي حقوق الإنسان

منظمة كُتّاب بلا حدود :

اللجنة الدولية للدفاع عن تيسير علوني

المكتب الدولي للجمعيات الإنسانية و الخيرية :

رئيس لجنة حقوق الانسان بالبرلمان الاوروبى

الامم المتحدة

American Immigration Lawyers Association

اوبرا وينفري

جامعات ومنظمات حقوق الانسان ومنظمات انسانية
محامين فرنسيين

جرائد و وكالات انباء اخرى

جريدة ماليالم نيوز

صحيفة العرب ـ لندن

وكالة الأنباء الألمانية (DPA)

الوكالة الأوروبية المصورة

جين انفورميشن جروب

نشرة بلومبيرج

وكالة رويترز- مدير إقليمي

وكالة سيبا برس

إذاعة فرنسا الدولية

تلفزيون الأسوشييتدبرس

أرابيس ترنس ( الفرنسية)

وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية

وكالة الأنباء الإسبانية

وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية

دايالوج البولندية للنشر+ التلفزيون البولندي

هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية BBC ( قسم الإنجليزي)

نشرة بلاتس

صحيفة مادهيامم اليومية

"إذاعة وراديو " مونت كارلو

شبكة الأنباء الدولية وانترنيوز

صحيفة " العرب" الأمريكية


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Egyptians, believe and knock off cynicism

Don't think that the chaos in Cairo is dangerous, remember that it was intended, we the people planned it. Remember that there were years of build up for it and remember that it was motivated by very legitimate causes. Let me remind you, we wanted national unity around basic rights, we reached that. We wanted to reach a critical mass of people, we have that. We were waiting for the tipping point and Tunisia gave it to us. This is a revolution, 20 plus years in the making, that is being realized. Don't be scared now, don't doubt and don't let emotions and shock paralyze you. This is the time to believe not to be cynical.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:S Ballenger Hwy,Flint,United States

Sunday, November 01, 2009

We are all responsible for shooting Luqman Abdallah

Yes, I said it, we are all responsible. But before I explain why we are responsible let me share with you my reading of the events.

Fact: The FBI implanted an informant in the group lead by Luqman Abdallah in 2006.

Fact: Luqman Abdallah's group has anti-establishment views as well as an ideology prohibiting Muslim integration in the American society.

Opinion: The FBI is right to have an informant inside such a group. Such an ideology is worrisome to say the least.

Fact: The informant failed to find any evidence that the group was planning or thinking of planning any violent actions. Three years of good intelligence work didn't yield any evidence of terrorism.

Fact: Despite the extreme ideology of the group, they were very well known to offer shelter for the homeless and help the poor.

Opinion: At this point I see no reason for further pursuing such a group by law enforcement. I think that keeping the informant may not be a bad idea but beyond that this is a group with a corrupt ideology and benevolent actions. Law enforcement has no business putting away people because of their ideology. This is the job of the rest of the institutions of the society. The civil society should call such ideologies out and expose the weaknesses of their arguments. This was a job of Muslims like me. However, where were we? We weren't doing our job. We didn't work hard enough to convey the message of Islam as it is, a message of peace, tolerance and integration. These people were living in a very rough part of Detroit and we didn't do anything to help them with poverty, health care, education or at least providing a dignified life. This is the case for everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim, who live in this part of town as well as many parts of Michigan and the US. Many of us enjoy our easy lives and feel comfortable passing judgments over people like Luqman Abdallah for his ideology. This was the point where law enforcement should have stopped and we should have taken over.

Fact: The FBI decided to put away the group anyway and hence they asked their informant to provoke them to engage in criminal activities. The FBI has been successful in other cases to encourage groups to engage in terrorist activities.

Opinion: The FBI failed to move the group to violence despite the availability of firearms, the apparent lack of law and order in Detroit and the extreme ideology of the group. It's my belief that had the FBI been able to provoke Luqman Abdallah's group to engage in violence they would have done it. However, they failed and that's when they resorted to put them away for any other offense. Luqman Abdallah's leadership prevented his group from getting involved in terrorism. His leadership channeled his group's efforts in serving the poor and sheltering the homeless. Yet because of his ideology, the FBI had to put him away. That's what happens when the civil society disappears and the law enforcement takes on roles they were not supposed to play.

Opinion: Selling stolen goods and all other offenses the FBI managed to provoke the group to do are not sanctioned by Islam. Luqman Abdallah was not following Islam, rather his wrong understanding of it, when he got himself involved in such activities.

Fact: At the time of the arrest the FBI dog attacked Luqman Abdallah who defended himself by shooting once at the dog. The agents in return shot Luqman Abdallah 18 times. After that they handcuffed him and sent him by car to the hospital. The dog, however, was airlifted to the hospital.

Opinion: This is straight up racism. Is a black man less than a dog? Is a criminal human being less than a dog? Since when do you handcuff a criminal who needs emergency medical attention? Was it because he was black? Or was it because he was Muslim? Or was it because he was both? Maybe because he was preaching an extreme ideology? Luqman Abdallah had rights that were violated both when he was alive as well as when he was dead.

I believe that the law enforcement should be held accountable. I believe that the policies that lead to the cascade of events should be revised. I also believe that all concerned people should get together to fight extreme ideologies. At the same time all concerned people should get together to ensure that everyone has a dignified life, proper housing, good education and affordable health care.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Letter to Senator Debbie Stabenow

Dear Senator Stabenow,

I know that the senate finance committee is planning to vote today on amending the public option (or a form of it) to Senator Baucus' bill.

I understand that to insure people with preexisting conditions we need to have an individual mandate. I however feel that it's unfair to be forced to buy insurance from the current private insurance companies. Therefore, the public option is very important to me.

In my opinion, the public option and the individual mandate go hand-in-hand. I understand that the public option may only cover 3% of the population. However, I don't want to feel that my government is giving me away to an industry whose primary incentive is to profit off my health care.

Moreover, I would like to see the senate finance committee increasing the subsidies for the poor and starting the exchange earlier with all businesses included.

This bill defines who we are as people. Keeping the insurance industry in check, maintaining choice, protecting consumers and taking care of the poor is the outcome I look forward to.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Health care voices: Tell your story, Control your life

To register for the event or for more info please click here.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey to pick a name for the event. We finally have a name :)

Please visit our event website, give us suggestions and if you are in Michigan please come help or attend.

On a side note, I found this interesting article about the power of social networking.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Vote for a name for the health care service day

Organizing for America in Southfield, MI is planning a health service day. Blood pressure and Diabetes screening will be offered and attendees will be asked to share their stories with the health care system. They will also be offered information about healthy living and a guide to Michigan products to boost the Michigan economy. Please help us choose a name for the event by voting at the link below.

Click Here to take survey

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Obama at “my” Cairo University……and no he’s not Bonaparte

Goose bumps… yes, and tears as well. I read President Obama's speech before I listened to it and each line touched my heart. When he said "I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum." I had goose bumps. He represents me, he knows it and he's proud of it. He is my president. Nothing he said in his introduction, recounting achievements of the civilization of Islam and Muslim Americans, was new to me but it is redeeming to hear it from him as the entire world is listening.

Egyptian as I am, Napoleon Bonaparte popped in my mind. Bonaparte led the French to occupy my country, Egypt, in 1798. As soon as he landed on our shore, he sent a message to the Muslims of Egypt declaring allegiance to the Ottoman Khalifat and he started praying in Azhar while his soldiers were killing Egyptians and his commanders planning the invasion of Palestine. Bonaparte and his soldiers killed many Egyptians and killed many Arabs and Muslims. His emotional trick didn't work and his little escapade in Egypt failed disastrously. Yet Obama is not Napoleon Bonaparte. He was solid in his positions, consistent with his beliefs and blunt with Muslims. My superficial cynicism was definitely an unfortunate moment of injustice to my president. I don't believe that history repeats itself and I don't believe that we can make any change if we remain hostage to our colonial history. We need to be more self-confident; learn from our history but examine the present with an open mind.

As I listened to him addressing the Middle East conflict, I realized that many Muslims would perceive his position as, yet, imbalanced. I am not going to say if I think it was balanced or not. I will, however, remind everyone that Obama's position is consistent with his pragmatic policies. Obama believes in gradual sustained change. He's willing to compromise so that he can make one substantial step forward. He compromised a lot to pass the stimulus bill but as he promised a stimulus bill passed within his first hundred days. This theme of compromise to achieve what's possible is a consistent characteristic of the Obama philosophy since he was in the Illinois legislature. I don't see his Middle East policy any different from his other policies but I could see the steps forward. For the first time, the Palestinian statehood is a right the American president is pledging to support not just a suggestion on the negotiation table. For the first time, the unbreakable ties with Israel are not justifying ignoring the agony of the Palestinian people. And for the first time this is said in public not just behind closed doors.

This speech advanced the Muslim American identity crisis resolution decades forward. Thanks Mr. President. Peace be upon you.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Back to posting, more heresies for everyone :)

Alright, I haven't been posting for bajillion years and I know that's not right. I apologize. Indeed, I haven't been posting but I was definitely thinking and I have a load of heresies to go around. I will try to pace myself and, God willing, post two heresies every week.

As I toned down my work with organizations I was active with and reflected upon my life and my life goals, I realized that what I really think I need is a community with no organizational strings attached. I don't need an organization for my own personal development but I need a healthy environment to live in. I don't fear for my identity or spirituality if I am not part of a bigger organization, to the contrary, being alone helped me great deal but I need a social life that reflects my values. What I need to create is a community for activists to network, exchange ideas and socialize. A community for peer-to-peer support, a healthy one though. I need an all welcoming environment without any "pre-existing conditions". I feel we all need a community, drama-free, that helps fulfill the very basic needs, from prayers, emotional support to marriage and counseling. Such a community can only be created at a local level and these local communities can network with each other nationally. This community of activists energizes them to invest all their activism energy in all different fields.

I believe we should serve our country through existing mainstream organization and if we find that there is a need not served by an existing organization, we should form one but it should be mainstream as well. By mainstream, I mean open for all citizens equally.

That's my dream and my heresy.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I can do bloody well without you

And this is my apology to all those whom I offended with my previous post :)

Eliza (singing):
What a fool I was, what dominated fool,
to think that you were the earth and the sky,
What a fool I was, What an elevated fool,
What a mutton-headed dote was I!
No, my reverberated friend,
you are not the beginning and the end.

Professor Higgins (speaking):
You impetant hussy there's not an idea in your head or a word in your mouth that I haven't put there.

Eliza (singing):
There'll be spring every year without you. England still will be here without you.
There'll be fruit on the tree.
And a shore by the sea.
There'll be crumpets and tea without you.

Art and music will thrive without you. Somehow Keats will survive without you.
And there still will be rain on that plain down in Spain,
even that will remain without you.
I can do without you.

You, dear friend, who taught so well,
You can go to Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire.

They can still rule with land without you.
Windsor Castle will stand without you.
And without much ado we can all muddle through without you.

Professor Higgins:
You brazen hussy,

Eliza (singing):
Wihtout pulling it the tide comes in,
without your twirling it the Earth can spin,
Without your pulling it, the tide comes in
Without your twirling it, the earth can spin
Without your pushing them, the clouds roll by,
If they can do without you, ducky, so can I
I shall not feel alone without you
I can stand on my own without you
So go back in your shell
I can do bloody well

Professor Higging (singing) interupts:
By George, I really did it,
I did it, I did it,
I said I'd make a woman and indeed I did,
I knew that I could do it,
I knew it, I knew it,
I said I'd make a woman and succeed I did!

Eliza you are wonderful

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Why can't a woman be more like a man?

To all men who had to live a drama they never understood and will never get to understand.

What in all of heaven could've promted her to go,
After such a triumph as the ball?
What could've depressed her;
What could've possessed her?
I cannot understand the wretch at all.

Women are irrational, that's all there is to that!
There heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags!
They're nothing but exasperating, irritating,
vacillating, calculating, agitating,
Maddening and infuriating hags!
[To Pickering]
Pickering, why can't a woman be more like a man?

“Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man?”
music by Frederick Loewe; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner
Why can’t a woman be more like a man?
Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historically fair.
Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat.
Why can’t a woman be like that?

Why does every one do what the others do?
Can’t a woman learn to use her head?
Why do they do everything their mothers do?
Why don’t they grow up, well, like their father instead?

Why can’t a woman take after a man?
Men are so pleasant, so easy to please.
Whenever you’re with them, you’re always at ease.

Would you be slighted if I didn’t speak for hours?

Of course not.

Would you be livid if I had a drink or two?


Would you be wounded if I never sent you flowers?


Well, why can’t a woman be like you?

One man in a million may shout a bit.
Now and then, there’s one with slight defects.
One perhaps whose truthfulness you doubt a bit,
But by and large we are a marvelous sex!

Why can’t a woman take after a man?
‘Cause men are so friendly, good-natured and kind.
A better companion you never will find.

If I were hours late for dinner would you bellow?

Of course not.

If I forgot your silly birthday, would you fuss?


Would you complain if I took out another fellow?


Why can’t a woman be like us?


Why can’t a woman be more like a man?
Men are so decent, such regular chaps;
Ready to help you through any mishaps;
Ready to buck you up whenever you’re glum.
Why can’t a woman be a chum?

Why is thinking something women never do?
And why is logic never even tried?
Straightening up their hair is all they ever do.
Why don’t they straighten up the mess that’s inside?

Why can’t a woman behave like a man?
If I was a woman who’d been to a ball,
Been hailed as a princess by one and by all;
Would I start weeping like a bathtub overflowing,
Or carry on as if my home were in a tree?
Would I run off and never tell me where I’m going?
Why can’t a woman be like me?

Monday, July 09, 2007

A driving fantasy

This Saturday MAS Youth assigned me to check the different hotels around Metro Detroit airport for the suitability for a meeting. It was so hard to find the last one so I had to stop at another hotel and ask for directions. This hotel was five stars and coincidently they had a wedding party with everyone dressed in nice suits and dresses. I wondered if MAS youth would ever hold its meetings in such a fancy facility and as I realized that this will never happen because as we grow in resources we will grow in number and we will never afford such luxury, I can't deny that I felt a little disappointed.
I carried my disappointment to the other low end hotel and then I started heading back home. It is about 25 minutes drive and I was going to spend them wallowing in my disappointment when it occurred to me that I was so wrong. We are doing all that work aiming at the eternal life in paradise. That's when I started to fantasize about our meetings in paradise.
I imagined all the MAS Youth workers, and all MAS members and activists for that matter, gathering around a beautiful lake and surrounded by rivers of water, milk, honey and wine. I imagined having the prophets and companions over (no need to have reminders :)) and we telling them all about our work and showing off about it (then we can show off, right?). I imagined we would have live presentations to see the fruit of our work years and decades after we were long gone. I imagined replaying all our good memories together and having the best entertainment events ever. We will have the best suits and dresses and we won't have to worry about baby sitting :). I understand that the thought of having to spend time with me in paradise is not that appealing for many readers but I am definitely sure that I will not be annoying at all and I will be nicer than the nicest person you have ever met so don't worry about that inshallah :). I enjoyed my drive back home.
I ask Allah to guide us and reunite all of us in Paradise with the prophets and companions, our families, neighbors and all the righteous people in Paradise.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My beloved SAPers are on track

Please go check the MAS Youth Study Abroad Program Blog. This is a wonderful program that MAS Youth organized. It is very fun to tune in and learn about their experience.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

So confused :(

I am confused, very much so actually. No confusion can ever match this one except the confusion of 1990 when Saddam invaded Kuwait. There is a huge difference between Saddam and Hamas. However, I can't see where this is heading and how could this lead to any good. I am more confused than that summer of 1990. Back then I was sure that Saddam was wrong and I was sure that inviting the US to free Kuwait was wrong too and I felt helpless because I didn't have an alternative. This time, I don't even know what is wrong and what is right, who is wrong and who is right. I am confused, perplexed, disappointed, frustrated, sad and depressed all at the same time. I have declined to comment on this particular issue for a long time because I felt that no matter how much I knew about it, I was probably ignorant. Today, I feel I am more ignorant than ever before. All I can do is just pray for justice and peace. Because for all I know, it is injustice in its ugliest forms for the Palestinians and that this land deserves peace.

Monday, May 14, 2007

My niece is feeling much better

I was overwhelmed over the past few weeks with emails and messages asking about my niece. Thanks so much for your prayers and support. She is psychologically much better and physically doing perfect. The scars on her face will take very long time to heal and she will probably need a plastic surgery in few months to avoid having permanent scars. Thanks again for you support and prayers :) Please keep praying for her.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Put on your seat belt for God's sake

My sister had a little plan for a nice relaxing weekend. Her husband had just finished his PhD exams and they planned to spend a couple of nights in Port Said in a condo on the beach. They left yesterday in their little Hyndai; Ammar, 6 months, in his car seat, Sumaya, 4 years, right next to him with her seat belt on but she doesn't have a car seat. Forget about safety studies; we are Egyptians and we know what we are doing. If we think that 4 years is old enough not to have a car seat then we are right. Don't talk to me about statistics, it irritates us. We have a saying: don't count lest you lose the baraka (God's blessing). It is a saying that has no foundation or roots in Islam but for some reason, it is kind of a conviction. Anyway, half way through, Eman, my sister, decides to switch seats with Sumaya to feed Ammar. Eman forgets to ask Sumaya to put on the seat belt. Yes what you pictured is right; the four years old girl is in the front passenger's seat without a car seat or a seat belt. Her dad would not remember either because he was busy keeping himself awake but to no avail. In Egypt people don't usually drink and drive but they are fine with driving while sleepy. However, it is worthy noting that my brother in law has a chronic sleep-driving problem. He can't prevent himself from falling asleep on the wheels no matter how much sleep he gets before driving.

I don't need to tell you what happened next. It was just a matter of time before he hit a truck. The baby was safe, thank God. The driver's seat belt saved him and the mother was not hurt because the front seat protected her. But poor little Sumaya had a head trauma and broken glass pieces all over her face. She had a CAT scan which was fine and a 3 hours long plastic surgery for her face. We will only know how bad the scars will be after they take out the stitches.

Pray for little Sumaya and remember to put your seat belts on. Look at her pretty face and ask Allah to give her a speedy and complete recovery.

It is our prophet's (peace be upon him) teachings to take necessary precautions as part of trust in Allah.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A tribute to my teachers behind bars

Dr. Mahmoud, I know you may not read this but I felt that the least I could do is to write those lines. Dr. Mahmoud Abozeid, a professor of surgery in Cairo University medical school. I learnt a lot from him just by example. For me he was an example of dedication, sacrifice and most importantly decency. When I think of the word decent, he is the first I think of. He was a mentor of the student movement when I was a student at Cairo University. I used to bother him with my visits to his office late by night after he is done with his patients (doctors' private practice opens in the evenings in Egypt). He was so welcoming all the time and would stay for hours even if that meant missing his kids' bedtime. In my last year of school when the emphasis was on Surgery, I had to miss many days at school because of the political turmoil at the time and the conflict the government had with the student movement. He offered to help me with school. I used to visit him in his office around 10:30 PM at "my" convenience to discuss a chapter or more with him. His knowledge in Surgery was vast and his character just stood out. One time I asked him to give a talk and he said that he was busy all Fridays and every three months when the month has a fifth Friday, he has a meeting scheduled. With such a busy schedule he was still willing to give a talk during weekdays in the time slot between his morning work and his private practice in the evening. For an organized person like him and with such a busy schedule, tutoring me must have been way high on his priority list to squeeze it in like that. What was he thinking? I don't know. All I know is that I am so grateful and I am so full of guilt. I am grateful for him and for the movement that allowed me to know such a person. I feel guilty because what he gave me was a trust to carry over. I may not know why he gave me this kind of attention and time but I am sure he was thinking he was investing for the future. I am not sure I gave as much as I took, let alone give more. May Allah forgive us all. During my last visit to Egypt I couldn't find time to visit him and surely, I regret this so much. I pray that his time behind bars won't last for long and that in my next visit to Egypt, inshallah, I will be able to visit him in his office. Let me hope that by then, I would be able to make him feel that his investment was worth it.

Dr. Abdelrahman Saudi is another person behind bars who influenced me so much. Although I haven't had a deep direct relationship with him, I was deeply influenced by his character. He was an icon of generosity. He used to be very rich before the government froze all his assets. His house was hugely humongous and we used to hold meetings there all the time whether he was at home or not. Countless brothers and sisters had keys to his house and at one point they were welcome anytime of the day. He had more than a dozen cars but one day he asked for a ride because all his cars were in use for movement related errands. That was not an exception, that was his daily routine; giving and giving more.
One day I visited him at work and my sister came along. She had never met him before. As we left the office, I noticed tears in her eyes and an extremely delighted look on her face. I was surprised and when I inquired, she said: I have goose bumps, this is the "Ikhwan" I read about not "you". I asked her what did you notice that made you extremely taken by his character. She said: "I don't know, but he is just so kindhearted and extremely decent"

If people like this lose their freedom and their money, what kind of message is the government sending to the youth: "Good is bad and bad is good"
I ask Allah to free all of them, to give them patience and to return their money to them and multiply it for them. I ask Allah to give their families patience and to shower them with peace and tranquility.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Not thoughts they are heresies!! Not immigrant but alien

Yup, I am not an immigrant. According to the homeland security we are called Aliens so let me keep it that way for now. I think that my musings qualify more for heresies than thoughts. When I listened to Freeman Dyson's winter 2005 commencement speech at the University of Michigan, I could relate to him calling his thoughts heresies. Today, I think I will use that for my blog title :) I don't agree with his heresies; they are heresies after all but I like the idea. Once I call my thoughts heresies, I am free to scribble whatever I want :) Read my heresies but be careful, you may become a heretic yourself :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Drum roll.........

Haris Tarin joined the blog world :) Round of applause please :) Haris is a dear friend, an active MAS Youth worker and works for MPAC. His only problem is that he is from California, no wonder it took him so long to create a blog :) Check it out, you will like it.

Friday, March 02, 2007

My Dad, I and a "cheesy" night

My dad is a gadget freak; really he is which makes me wonder if it is genetic. He had asked me to buy a video projector for him to take back to Egypt with him for the North Coast condos where he serves on the board of directors. They had this idea of playing children's movies every night during the summer time. They will buy pirated movies and charge a fee to raise money for the association. I am not sanctioning this but welcome to the world of no copyrights. He wanted a projector with high lumen to display a nice picture in an open place. Last night dad wanted to see a demo. Which movie do I play for a demo? Hmm…

Well, a few days ago, I was at blockbuster returning V for Vendetta that I had for more than ten days and I could hardly make the time to watch. It was the first day of spring break and everyone and their mama was in blockbuster. I had to stand in a very long line to pay my late fee which is now knows as "restocking fee", whatever. I used the time to browse the classics on-sale when my eyes fell on "Sound of Music". "long time fella". I haven't watched this movie for ages but I thought "that's a must buy". Well, don't get too excited, I didn't watch it that night or the night after. The DVD just found a new shelf to be placed on. You can't just spend a night alone watching such a movie. Last night though, it was picked for the demo. My dad was excited. We made sure we hook up the best set of speakers I had.

We only watched 20 minutes, but that was a blast from the past. I think I enjoyed it much more than any other time before. Every thing was perfect; the music, the dialogue, the humor, the acting, the picture, etc... Let me say everything was just glamorous. It felt like I was watching it for the first time.

Now that I think about it; who watches the "Sound of Music" with his dad? That's soooooo cheesy dude!! Anyway, we are heading to Chicago tonight and he is flying to Egypt on Monday so I guess we won't finish the movie nor will I watch it alone. The DVD is going back on the shelf until, I don't know, further notice I guess.

In the works........

I know I have not been blogging for a while which is actually bothering me. I have few posts in the works all saved as draft. Every now and then I go and edit or add a line or two. Inshallah, very soon I will bombard you with quite a few :). Until then please don't give up on me :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Don't you ever "brother" me

Yes, seriously. What's up with this brother/sister thing that gets added to your name. Who invented it?!! When did brother become a title?! It is a beautiful word, but when did it become a title?! Sometime during the last century someone introduced this "innovation" to the English language. This is one of my pet peeves. Why is David Dave but Mohamed is Br. Mohamed? Why is Elizabeth Liz but Mariam is Sr. Mariam? Why do I respect everyone without adding to their names any titles but I have to add a title to my Muslim "brother" or "sister" to show respect. I have been struggling with this issue for a while and I discussed it with several people and here are the answers I got:

1- Respect: It is a cherished value in Islam and we need to respect each other and older people in particular.
Rebuttal: Are we respecting David and Elizabeth less when we do not add the br./sr. title to their names? Don't we respect our teachers and professors?! Don't we respect our seniors at work and don't we respect our neighbours?! Did the Prophet (SAW) show respect to people using elements alien to their culture? Didn't he use the very titles that they used to use to show respect to them like the Kunya (which means calling a person father of "his son's name" or something beloved to him)
2- Professionalism: In Islamic work we need to be professional especially across genders, thus the need to use titles.
Rebuttal: Why do we need to be professional in a different way from the rest of the society? People are very professional at work, yet they don't use titles most of the time. They only use titles sometimes in some settings with doctors, professors, judges, attorneys and some elected officials. However, most of the time in professional settings they don't use titles and they are very good at being professional.
3- Brotherhood/sisterhood: When we add the title we enforce the concept that we are brothers and sisters which is the bond that ties all of us as Muslims.
Rebuttal: Keep it real dude. As soon as I add the title I don't feel that bond anymore. You want me to feel the bond call me with my name or say my dear brother. You can put the word brother in sentence, it is such a beautiful word but please don't make a title out of it. When someone sends an email and signs, your brother it touches my heart. When some tells me "ya akhi" which is the Arabic for "my brother", I feel the warmth of brotherhood. One time a dear sister emailed me and signed "ukhtak....." (your sister), I was so happy and replied back thanking her. My brothers and sisters in Islamic work are as dear to me as my family and I don't add titles to my cousins names. If you are from a background that mandates giving elders titles and you feel uncomfortable not doing that with me (if I am older than you), then use the same title you would use for your older brother in your culture. In that sense if you are Egyptian and you feel that you can't call me by my first name, then call me "Abaih Ayman". As funny as that sounds, I won't mind it. If you are younger than that, I won't mind being called "3ammo Ayman" :).

Let me share this story about Umar, may Allah be pleased with him. He was off to a 3umra and the prophet (SAW) told him mention us in your prayers "ya akhi" (my brother) and Umar (RAA) said that he wouldn't have loved anything better than this "ya akhi". When the prophet (SAW) wanted to be very brotherly he didn't give him a title. Ever since I read this story, I can only relate to the word put in a sentence but never as a title, ever.

In our Masjids and communities we don't want to create an alien culture. We need to create an all inclusive culture of genuine respect and sincere brotherhood and sisterhood. What message are we sending to people of other faith when we call each other br./sr.? Are we telling them that they are not our brothers and sisters? Let's love each other but let's also make room for our fellow neighbours to come join us in our activities. Let's not create a culture that will stand out like a sore thumb but rather a culture where everyone likes to belong to.

So my dearly beloved sisters and my dearly beloved brothers, don't "brother" me anymore pleaaaaaaaaaaase.

Too busy to post ....yet here are some great posts :)

Just came back from San Jose......Is this heaven on earth or what!! It was the MAS Youth exec meeting and we didn't have time to tour the city, however the view of the mountains on the way from the hotel to the meeting place was such a breather for me. If you ever go down there you have to eat at this Afghan restaurant, there food is great. You may also want to stop at my sister's place, Kariman, to eat some lasagna....Canadians have something to contribute (this was an inside joke..sorry :)

I don't have much time to post anything but I think you should read this great post on Yaser's blog. You shouldn't also miss this pearl by Ahmed Deif.