Thursday, February 08, 2007

Need some help!!

I have a couple of questions:
How do I add links on the side? and how do I link to other blogs?

p.s. I figured a way to do it thru editing the html of the template. Is there any simpler way that I am not aware of?


moi said...

If you still haven't moved your Blogger account to the new Blogger (previously Beta), then your only option is through the HTML template. If you move your settings to the new Blogger, I believe you have the option of adding different things in your sidebar, and it's much easier for those who aren't that experienced with HTML. (To do that, go to template/customize design/upgrade your template; don't worry about losing anything since you only have 2 links on your sidebar and you can easily add them back again :)).

Ayman said...

Thanks so much, I will try that :)
I visited your blog. It is very interesting and I will definitely read thru.